donderdag 18 juni 2009

Unemployment hits young people and deprived areas hardest

If we look at the numbers from January this year up to now, young people, deprived areas and more men than women suffer the most from this economic recession. The Equality and Human Rights Commission, the Department for Work and Pensions and the Government Equalities Office found that 16.2% of 18 to 24-year-olds were unemployed in the first quarter of this year, compared to 12% in the same period last year. In deprived areas, unemployment rose to 11.3% from 8.7%, compared to a rise from 5.4% to 7.3% among the population as a whole. The unemployment rate for men rose from 5.7% to 8.1% which is probably partially caused by cuts in the manufacturing sector. The unemployment rate among women rose from 5% to 6.4%, a little less than the percentage of unemployed men. Overall the recession has cost many people in the UK their jobs.

Of course it is awful that because of the recession people loose their jobs. I do not think it is striking that more men than women lost their jobs, because in general there are more working men than women so the number of unemployed men will increase more than the number of unemployed women. I do think it is strange that young people suffer from the recession so much, because I thought companies would like young people to work for them because they are much cheaper. I do not know why it does not work like this. Overall, if I look at these numbers, I am not so worried yet. These are numbers of the first quarter of this year so there could be major changes during the other nine months in 2009. I understand that people are worried about the consequences of this recession, but I personally believe that everyone is overreacting.

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