donderdag 11 juni 2009

Police try to identify children in nursery case

One of the employees of a nursery in Plymouth is arrested and taken to court for making, possessing and distributing indecent images of children that were at Little Ted's, the nursery where she worked. Vanessa George is a mother of two and had been working at Little Ted's for about three years. The police started an investigation to find out which children were photographed. It is a difficult investigation, according to Jim Webster, who works as chief superintendent on the case. Most pictures are from children’s torsos and those are difficult to identify. The police keeps close contacts with all the families and children involved and got a team of police family liaison officers and child psychologists together to talk to the possible victims. They are working very hard on this investigation, but there is a chance that a lot of pictures cannot be identified at all. The parents would really like to know which children are involved because right now they are very worried and are still hoping that nothing happened to their child. In the meanwhile the police keeps working on the case, and Little Ted’s is closed to be never opened again.

First of all, I think it is awful that evidently these things can happen at nurseries. I do think it is strange that it has not been discovered earlier, because Little Ted’s had a staff of fifteen people. You would think that one of George’s colleagues could have seen her taking photographs. On the other hand, I would not suspect one of my colleagues of doing such a thing either. Anyhow, I think it is terrible for the children, but also for parents whose children went to this nursery because both parents and children are traumatised by what happened. I think that it is even worse when you consider that you can not be sure that it did or did not happen to your own child, or if it only happened to some of the other children. I understand that it is very difficult for the police to investigate all pictures and identify the children because their faces are not visible in these pictures, but for the parents that would be a great help to take away the feeling of not knowing what happened.

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