donderdag 18 juni 2009

Belfast Romanians rehoused after race attacks

In Belfast, Romanian people who lived in the Village/Donegall Road community were attacked by racists. They threw bottles and stones at their houses and threatened the women and men that they do not belong in Northern Ireland. The men were told to be killed if they did not leave the country. As a result of the attacks, many Romanian families fled from the neighbourhood and were given shelter to at a sports complex where they could spend the night. The authorities are taking action and try to find the people responsible for these attacks. In the meantime the victims can stay at a students accommodation. But what the Romanians really want, is going home to the country where they feel welcome.

I think it is horrible that people attacked these families. I would like to know who is responsible, because then you might know if they had specific reasons to discriminate these people, or if they are simply against all other cultures except British culture. It is awful that these people do not feel welcome anymore and that they rather go home to Romania because of these attacks. They are really frightened, and I do not think the perpetrators realize what they have done to these innocent citizens. I hope the authorities will find out who did this and will take action immediately to prevent this from happening in the future.

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