maandag 8 juni 2009

Scandal of the home-help firms failing Britain's elderly

Home care for the elderly in Britain is horrible and only getting worse. This is what the latest reports on home care in the UK tell us. The firms that provide home
care do not have enough employees and the ones they have lack of knowledge and professionalism. Some of them do not even have proper knowledge about care and first aid. Organisations that do not live up to the standards of this type of health care have two options, they can make a plan to improve the care they provide, or they will have to stop completely. The health organisations predict that if no one will take action now, this problem will get worse in the future because in only ten years we will have a highly increased elderly population. To provide better care, the health organisations need more money and employees. They say that they cannot get qualified people to do these jobs because it involves hard work and less money than a job at the local supermarket. They ask the government to find a solution for this problem and to improve home care in the future.

In my opinion something should be done about this problem immediately. Time is running because as the article explains, every year the elderly population will increase and there should be taken care of those people properly. It is awful that these people have been working for most of their lives and when they are older, there is no professional help to insure their quality of life. I believe that the government should invest a lot more money in home care and care in residential homes to guarantee Britain’s elderly a good life. I read in several articles that the government is making plans to get money together for health care improvements and I think one of the best ideas is to make it compulsory for children to take their parents into their homes to take care of them. This could work in maybe 70 percent of the cases which means that a lot of money could be saved on residential homes. Then money could go to families who take care of a parent or both parents to provide them better care than they would have had in a home care situation.

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